Tuesday, September 1, 2009


i can still remember that night i met you at the alamo over a year ago and how kind and interesting you were. i usually don't like a lot of people right away, but that wasn't the case with you. i was only friends with you for a short while, and not really even good friends at that, but this is hitting me a lot harder than i thought it would. since i found out, it takes me hours to fall asleep. once i finally did fall asleep last night i had a dream about you- we were all standing around talking about how you were in a better place and were happier, and you walked in and shrugged and said "maybe you're right" and then disappeared. i also had another dream last night where someone was banging on a door as hard as they possibly could, but it was locked and as hard as i tried i could not get it opened, and somehow i knew that it was you in there. i know that your good friends and family are suffering more than i could ever imagine, and i feel selfish for even saying that i'm upset, but it just shows how many people really cared (and still do care) about you.

i just wish that i would've gone and spent time with you all those times you texted me to hang out at the beginning of last school year, before it was too late for our paths to ever cross again.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Courtney Brooke

I've recently come across some Courtney Brooke photography. I remember seeing a lot of her stuff on Mama Stone Vintage's myspace, and forgot how beautiful and inspiring her pictures are. I love that whole sexy-70's-wood nymph thing she has going on.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

some outfit inspirations..

the sun is shining, which makes me want to bust out all of my super girly clothes even more than usual.

i want this dress so so so much

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


i really think i'm too boring to have a blog. i'll probably just post pictures of cute clothes that i can't afford.